Allow to play cymbal songs from facebook/twitter streams directly.
Allow to play full cymbal songs from cymbal webpage (not redirecting).
Hi. Big fan here willing to help.
I'd love to make my facebook/twitter followers much easier to hear what I share.
When I share something from soundcloud/spotify/youtube on facebook or twitter, for example, my followers will see my post with a direct "play" link in the same facebook/twitter page wall and can hear from there. they also can click and enter soundcloud for "further info".
Now in cymbal, specially when in desktop, if a follower sees my post he has to do THREE steps through 3 different services to hear the full song: Click on wall's link > enter my (cymbal) wall where he can hear a preview > click on
"Listen to the full song on Spotify".
I believe that given that cymbal is feeded by shuchan open platform as spotify, it would be posible to do that?