Continue playback after exiting app
Daniel Söderström
I should clarify, it's only when using the back button to exit the app. Not when using the home button or switching to another app.
Hi Daniel, can you tell me what device you're using, as well as what version of android? And confirm that you're updated to the latest version of the app? Thanks!
Daniel Söderström
Nexus 6P, Android 6.01. Latest version of Cymbal, 1.9.8.
Hey spurcell, I've come across an issue where upon entering the app music playback from spotify stops. If I lock my screen with the app openned, and then unlock, playback also stops. I'm using a Sony Xperia Z5C, and running the latest version of the app, 2.1.4
Daniel Söderström
mike: yes, all playback from other apps stop as soon as you open the Cymbal app, very annoying.